Ordering quantities 0-5

Tips on how to use this exercise at home and at school.

Ordering quantities 0-5

Early math concepts

In this exercise, the child can compare quantities on a variety of stimuli. Sorting by size also allows us to perceive the order. He can compare pictures, symbols, fingers, prisms, sounds, and numbers.

Why is this exercise important?
Understanding quantity, that is, the number and relationship between natural numbers, is helped by ordering by size, and quantity. 

The child becomes aware of an important property of natural numbers, namely that each natural number has a successor (one is followed by two, six is preceded by five, and so on). Moving, for example, prisms convey this property to children. The child also begins to realise the importance of order. 

Who is the exercise suitable for?
Generally, it belongs in preschool or early school play. In addition to the concepts of number ideas, and rational assumptions, it also develops language skills at the same time. Part of the children solve the task intuitively and naturally, part of the children need to go through these tasks.

Why is this exercise important?
Understanding quantity, that is, the number and relationship between natural numbers, is helped by ordering by size, and quantity. 

The child becomes aware of an important property of natural numbers, namely that each natural number has a successor (one is followed by two, six is preceded by five, and so on). Moving, for example, prisms convey this property to children. The child also begins to realise the importance of order. 

Who is the exercise suitable for?
Generally, it belongs in preschool or early school play. In addition to the concepts of number ideas, and rational assumptions, it also develops language skills at the same time. Part of the children solve the task intuitively and naturally, part of the children need to go through these tasks.