
97 % of teachers (out of 1198 surveyed) who tried the Levebee diagnostic assessment with their class, recommend Levebee to other teachers.

We also asked whether students enjoyed the assessment, whether they were able to work independently, and whether teachers learned something new that influenced their teaching. Here are some of their answers:

The diagnostic assessment was very interesting, not only from the perspective of the math tasks themselves, but we also had the opportunity to observe many of the children's personal traits and behaviors (lack of independence, helplessness, anger, crying, enthusiasm, joy, perseverance). There were significant differences in the results of early math concepts. Vocabulary and the children's ability to express themselves played a crucial role! The specific results for each class were described by my colleagues, the homeroom teachers of our first-grade classes. Based on the results, we will adapt our further teaching.

Lena, Vice Principal for Elementary School

The children enjoyed the work and were engaged. Some of them were clicking through the answers experimentally. I was surprised that the children struggled with concepts they should have known from preschool, like before, after, above, below, etc. They also had trouble selecting parts from a whole and orienting themselves on a surface. Some had issues with orientation in a sequence. I was pleasantly surprised by how many boys have good logical thinking. We have already adapted our teaching to meet the students' needs.

Ivona, 1st Grade Teacher

The diagnostic assessment was fun for the kids, and they wanted to continue with Levebee even after it ended. The children had trouble with the concepts of more/less, and a significant number of them weren't ready to understand numerical operations from 1 to 10. As a result, the classroom teachers will focus on the weakest areas based on the diagnostic assessment results.

Wendy, Special Education Teacher

All the kids completed the tasks with enthusiasm and great dedication. Thanks to the fun exercises, they were able to concentrate better. They approached each task as a game. Since most of the kids are used to working on tablets, this work was not unfamiliar to them. I know which areas require support for each student, where they have gaps, and conversely, where they excel and should be further developed. That's why we'll be using tablets more often in math classes—math as a game—and focusing on areas where individuals are not completely confident or have gaps in their knowledge, which is why they struggle.

Jarmila, 1st Grade Teacher

I liked the diagnostic assessment. The way the tasks were structured was interesting. The most challenging tasks were those involving the concepts of "more than/less than" and also determining the order of pictures. Because of this, I started incorporating more of these types of tasks into my lessons. I used exercises from Levebee during class for group work. I also created my own exercises and group activities. I used Levebee for tutoring as well—independent work with tablets.

Jessica, 1st Grade Teacher

I see the diagnostic assessment as a very beneficial and necessary part of teaching, providing the opportunity to focus on areas that need attention in a timely manner. It was interesting to note that a large number of children had difficulties understanding instructions, grasping the meaning of terms, and working with multiple sources of information. Additionally, their analytical thinking and ability to independently plan a solution process were weakened, such as taking the time to think and figuring out what to do and how. While the children are familiar with numbers, they lack a true understanding of what numbers represent. With the support of teaching assistants and teachers in the 1st and 2nd grades, we can make greater use of the Levebee app, Dr. Wolf's methodologies, and work more with prisms and networks.

Katherine, Special Education Teacher

The children were happy and really enjoyed the diagnostic assessment. Based on the assessment, they require frequent practice on Levebee. Together with the teacher, I discovered which children have trouble with number line orientation and whether the students can count objects up to 5, among other things. I really like the summary of the diagnostic assessment. Based on these findings, I plan to adapt my teaching. I will focus on developing the skills and abilities that will help the students reach the desired level in the areas they found challenging.

Petra, Special Education Teacher

The diagnostic assessment was age-appropriate and fun for the kids. Thanks to it, I can focus on the areas where the children need more reinforcement, especially in understanding number sequences and the concepts of a few less and a few more. That's why I'll be focusing more on developing mathematical concepts with an emphasis on hands-on learning.

Jessica, 1st Grade Teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks and were looking forward to the testing. I think that sometimes it would be enough to show them what is expected using a different example. By this, I mean that the issue was more about understanding rather than the math task itself. (But I understand that comprehending the instructions is also an integral part of the testing.) For some children, selecting specific exercises would be helpful.

Rachel, 1st Grade Teacher

The kids really enjoyed the app and were all very motivated and quite tech-savvy. However, the results on paper/in graphs showed that the kids were generally struggling. We didn't have the courage to send these results as they were to the parents of first graders after just the first three weeks of school. So, we "manually" wrote out some positive aspects and some areas for development. It's great that the tested areas were described, including specific activities outside of Levebee. We shared this with the parents. I also appreciate the description of the tasks and how they might be beneficial in the future. For teachers, it's definitely valuable to see the state of the class. That's why we plan to focus on the areas where the kids were having difficulties. We'll incorporate games/practice outside of Levebee. We'll also assign Levebee for home use to the children who are critically at risk on an individual basis.

Natalie, Special Education Teacher

The kids really enjoyed the tasks. Sometimes they didn't understand the instructions and had to listen to them several times. The children struggled with tasks that combined positive and negative commands in the instructions, as well as tasks with multiple commands to follow. Therefore, I will include exercises in math to practice concepts like "more than," "less than," and "between," along with tasks that involve using multiple concepts, especially both negative and positive ones simultaneously.

Blanca, 1st Grade Teacher

The diagnostic assessment was very helpful. Our school currently has three first graders. Thanks to the diagnostic assessment, we discovered significant gaps in two of them, which we have started to address. I'm focusing a lot on practicing identifying more/less and working on number sequences.

Michaela, 1st Grade Teacher

This diagnostic assessment complemented the assessment of pre-reading skills and abilities. I combined both assessments into one comprehensive overview, which gave me a complete picture of the child's school readiness. Quite a few students had trouble with sequence orientation (terms like before, after, between, right before, right after, all, not all). As a school special education teacher, I will use these insights in my individual work with students.

Dana, Special Education Teacher

Thank you for the diagnostic assessment. Since I don't know the children very well yet, I also focused on overcoming obstacles with them. If a task was difficult or challenging for the kids, I observed their reactions—whether they skipped the task, filled in answers randomly, or tried to solve the problems. At the beginning of the lesson, I prepare specific exercises for practice that help the children concentrate better and develop their skills.

Danielle, 1st Grade Teacher

The students enjoyed the diagnostic assessment; they were delighted to work on the tablet and solve tasks with Levebee. They had some trouble remembering the number of elements and using that information to answer questions about how many more or less. The students knew their numbers, and their left-right orientation was also without major difficulties. Based on the results of the diagnostic assessment, we are focusing on practicing the order of elements and visual differentiation. That's why I'm incorporating activities into the lessons to practice visual perception and differentiation, categorization based on several criteria, and so on.

Hannah, 1st Grade Teacher

The kids were thrilled, and I was surprised at how easily they handle tablets. The most critical moment is orientation in a sequence, which is also evident when forming words, where they mix up the order of letters in a syllable. That's why it's important to regularly include exercises on left-right orientation and concepts like before, after, right before, and right after.

Ms. Dawn, 1st Grade Teacher

We discovered that a significant number of students have difficulties with spatial orientation (especially left-right) and struggle with tasks involving comparing one less, one more, and those requiring logical thinking. That's why we provided all parents with access to Levebee licenses, and some of them started practicing right away. I also shared the results with the homeroom teachers, who are continuing to work with them. I took a closer look at some of the children who had more red or yellow areas in the diagnostic assessment.

Yvette, Special Education Teacher

The kids were thrilled with the tasks, and I'm glad that Levebee helped me map out the students' pre-mathematical concepts, identify gaps, and offers practice opportunities. Many students struggled with concepts like "more than" / "less than," or with number sequences and table orientation. That's why we'll be focusing on practicing the areas where we've identified the students have weaknesses.

Michaela, 1st Grade Teacher

The diagnostic assessment was really helpful for the first-grade teachers. For the students we expected to have issues, there were none—they managed on their own (foreign language, learning disabilities). Some students didn’t enjoy the large number of similar tasks and the length of the testing. Many got stuck on concepts like more/less, especially when they couldn’t move things around, like in the red box. I appreciate the well-crafted tasks—they were creative, age-appropriate, and specific to the goal. We need to focus more on practicing understanding of terms like before, after, between, more than, and less than.

Pauline, IT Coordinator

I really liked the diagnostic assessment. I discovered that the children are significantly lacking in understanding spoken text and are struggling with communication skills. That's why I immediately discussed these shortcomings with my colleagues from the kindergarten and asked them to focus on this area. In the first grade, I therefore focus a lot on developing the students' specific skills and also on verifying their mathematical concepts. Thanks to the diagnostic assessment, I can plan what to focus on more.

Milena, 1st Grade Teacher

I love how Levebee responds to the children's progress and offers more challenging exercises. It gives me feedback. The kids enjoy math and even correcting any mistakes, and they practice spontaneously with joy, which is great for livening up lessons, especially for those who need more practice with the material.

Vera, 1st Grade Teacher

The students enjoyed working on the tablet and liked the animations. Sometimes they didn't understand the instructions, but repeating them in a human voice was enough. They often boast about being able to count to 100, but they realized that numbers need to be thought about in different contexts. Our assessment of the student's performance matched the shortcomings revealed by Levebee. It was important to unify the instructions and work with terminology they weren't familiar with.

Jane, 1st Grade Teacher

The children worked enthusiastically. However, I expected better results. It seems that the math skills of children entering first grade aren't very strong. That's why it's essential to focus on developing mathematical concepts and reinforcing the understanding of terms like before, after, more, and less.

Mira, 1st Grade Teacher

The children really enjoyed the tasks, and they had a lot of fun working on the tablets. We revisit the exercises even during lessons, and many kids use the license at home as well. I was surprised to find that many children struggle with the concepts of more/less and have difficulty navigating the number line up to 5. That's why I started incorporating some exercises into the lessons that the students found challenging. We practice the concepts of less/more in a visual way.

Wendy, 1st Grade Teacher

The comprehensive diagnostic assessment of the class was truly excellent, revealing that almost all students are ready to understand numbers 1-5. I was surprised by the high percentage of students who can navigate a 3x3 grid. We discovered that we need to focus on orientation in a sequence. Thanks to team teaching, we can divide the students into groups, and the diagnostic assessment helps us greatly in offering each group suitable activities.

Martina, 1st Grade Teacher

The tasks were interesting for the children. Some of them found the tasks quite challenging. We were surprised by their lack of understanding of terms like "top left" or "bottom right." Their orientation in a sequence was also weaker. The diagnostic assessment thoroughly uncovered individual misunderstandings of certain tasks. Therefore, we will focus more on the areas that need improvement.

Monica, tandem teacher, digital competence

The kids enjoyed the diagnostic assessment and mostly worked independently. I discovered that they have quite a few issues with spatial orientation, as well as with sequencing and comparing quantities. That's why, during lessons, I focus on practicing spatial orientation, tasks involving sorting by different criteria, number sequences, and comparing quantities.

Hannah, 1st Grade Teacher

Almost all the children managed the tasks involving counting up to 5. They knew all the digits, were able to navigate a sequence of numbers, match elements, and compare numbers. However, when it came to counting up to 10, the majority of the class had difficulties. I will definitely focus more on practicing what the children find challenging, and that's why I'll incorporate more hands-on learning activities.

Libby, 1st Grade Teacher

The Levebee diagnostic assessment in math and working with laptops was a big hit with the first graders, and they wanted to do it again in a similar way. I noticed some kids had trouble with the concepts of immediately before and immediately after. Also, the first image—a group one with a question about head coverings—was spatially challenging for some kids (too many stimuli and images). Thanks to the diagnostic assessment, I now know what to focus on in math lessons to help the kids successfully master different areas. That's why I want to include similar tasks in my teaching and also use digital technology. With headphones, the kids were able to concentrate beautifully and work on tasks individually.

Sylvia, 1st Grade Teacher

First, we got acquainted with the Levebee app so the kids could "get a feel" for it. They enjoyed the actual testing and were able to work almost independently. The results were surprising for some of the children. It's great to know where to direct further activities. I plan to develop the areas that need practice through practical tasks. I intend to incorporate these tasks into classroom activities in shorter time segments, but on a regular basis.

Jane, 1st Grade Teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks and thought we would focus on such tasks more often. The most difficulties were with sorting tasks and misunderstanding concepts important for orientation in a sequence. They also didn't quite grasp the concepts of more and less. Therefore, we will try to focus on practicing concepts important for further work and include tasks on sorting according to different criteria. We will work on expanding vocabulary. We are practicing concepts like immediately before, before, immediately after, after, right, and left.

Jessica, 1st Grade Teacher

Most of the students approached the diagnostic assessment like playing games on their phones, which they usually do, and they found the assessment easy, but the results didn't reflect that. They often moved quickly from task to task without thinking it through, just to get it done. Many students struggled with spatial orientation and concepts like more and less. The results seemed inconsistent with what the students typically manage in class. We practice spatial orientation using little houses on a square grid, rows, and columns, and the concepts of more and less with bottle caps.

Stacy, 1st Grade Teacher

The children mostly enjoyed working on the diagnostic assessment and were able to work almost independently. They needed some initial support with navigating the app since it was their first time using Levebee. I was very surprised to find that a large number of children struggled with tasks involving more/less comparisons and tasks that required sorting based on multiple criteria. Thanks to the diagnostic assessment, we can now incorporate these types of tasks into our math lessons. We will be including the types of tasks that the children found challenging in our math classes.

Eliska, 1st Grade Teacher

It became clear to me how important it is to focus on self-assessment, as the smiley faces filled out by the children often didn't match the results. For many kids in my class, some tasks were very challenging, like navigating the number sequence up to 10. Based on the results, I see that we need to start "from the beginning"—building the concept of numbers in a sequence, comparing numbers that are 1 more or 1 less. It was reassuring to see confirmation of which children are handling the tasks well.

Jessica, 1st Grade Teacher

The kids were thrilled and want to continue with assignments on Levebee. Some kids are eagerly practicing at home as well. Others are doing so based on my recommendation and after talking with their parents. Levebee helped me with the diagnostic assessment of issues in some selected children, although I didn't expect the results to be zero or nearly zero in other cases. The good thing is that the app is designed the way it is—playful, engaging, and corrective at the same time. Thank you for this help and the idea to create something like this! I'm enriching my teaching with some exercises from Levebee, and some kids are practicing at home on their own accounts.

Vaclava, 1st Grade Teacher

The diagnostic assessment was great, and most of the students worked independently. Initially, the tasks were easy for the students. The challenges arose with analytical thinking, number sequences with visual support, and for some, comparing numbers from 0-10. I will need to focus more on these areas and use tools to enhance imagination. I will tailor the lessons to each student and their specific issues. I'll form groups based on the individual problems of the students and adapt the work accordingly. I'll make use of illustrative teaching aids. An individual approach will definitely be necessary.

Jessica, 1st Grade Teacher

The diagnostic assessment helps me choose the right exercises for each student and has also confirmed my observations with students I've only known for a month. In other words, my experiences might not be objective, but thanks to the diagnostic assessment, I can rely on the students' specific results. That's why I'll be incorporating tasks into my lessons that the students found challenging.

Vladimir, school principal

For the kids, it was an interesting activity, and they enjoyed it. The results weren't all that surprising for us; it just confirmed that the children's pre-math skills are at very different levels. That's why we'll focus more on the children's weaker areas. Since we are a combined elementary and preschool, we want to discuss the results with the preschool teachers as well.

Martha, school principal

We found out what they can handle and what we need to work on more, which also includes changes in the content of math centers in preschool.

Joan, director

Levebee is a fantastic tool for developing skills and motivating children. Thanks to it, students can work at their own pace, and teachers have the opportunity to track their progress.

Michaela, 1st Grade Teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks; some worked completely independently, while others needed occasional help. I like that the diagnostic assessment clearly shows what to focus on more and also identifies who is gifted in math. That's why it's a good idea to divide the kids into groups so they can work well together.

Jirina, 1st Grade Teacher

The kids were thrilled with the tasks, they enjoyed everything. Most of them had trouble with terms like before, after, second to last, etc. I'm glad I now know which areas to focus on more. Levebee excited both the kids and me, thank you. :) Thanks to Levebee's diagnostic assessment, we will definitely pay more attention to this topic.

Lena, 1st Grade Teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks, but we were very surprised by how many of them had trouble with the concepts of before, after, and between, even though we had focused on this for 5 weeks and hadn't noticed any issues at school. The diagnostic assessment revealed problems we had no idea about. The children also overlooked details, were inattentive, and many of them didn't enjoy thinking things through. They're used to having everything decided and solved for them. Thinking "hurts" them; they don't want to think. That's why we're focusing on deepening their mathematical understanding, sorting skills, and training their attention, which was a big challenge for them.

Petra, 1st Grade Teacher

The kids really enjoyed the assigned tasks, and completing them on the computer is very appealing to them. The results helped us better understand the needs of our students, and some of them surprised us—both positively and negatively. Based on these results, we incorporated appropriate exercises into our lessons. Some of them were quite inspiring for us, and we plan to start including them regularly.

Margaret, teacher of selected groups in elementary school

Unfortunately, my assumptions were confirmed that more and more children are having difficulties in mathematics. The most common issues are with tasks involving sequencing (first, after the first, before the last, between...) and determining more or less, etc. The classroom teachers were quite surprised as well. But they are already working on it. ? They are now enhancing the usual methods and curriculum with exercises focused on the most common difficulties.

Jana, Special Education Teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks, but they had trouble with comparing numbers 0 - 5, 0 - 10, spatial orientation, grid orientation on a 3x3 grid, sequencing, and understanding more/less within the range of 1 - 5. I'm really glad that thanks to the diagnostic assessment, I know which areas I need to focus on more and practice more frequently. Therefore, we will practice spatial and left-right orientation more, focusing on left and right, top/bottom, middle, concepts like immediately before, immediately after, between, etc. We'll work on comparing at the level of same/more/less, as well as more than/less than, and we'll also train on comparing multiple groups with each other and expressing numerical relationships.

Milus, 1st Grade Teacher

The kids were happy, and some of them are even practicing at home what they found challenging. The summary of the diagnostic assessment helped me quickly identify what might cause difficulties for the children, allowing me to immediately focus on the problematic areas. I adjusted my math schedule and topics, increasing the number of lessons for the material that the diagnostic assessment indicated could be problematic.

Mira, 1st Grade Teacher

The kids mostly really enjoyed the tasks and were able to work independently. The class teachers examined the results of the diagnostic assessment. Based on these results, they have already started focusing on problematic areas according to the recommendations - it doesn't have to rain right away, just a little drizzle is enough (a great piece of advice from Mrs. Wolf).

Hannah, Special Education Teacher

Working with the tablet was fun for the kids. The tasks were entertaining for them. They mostly completed the tasks independently. Some kids managed to finish the tasks on their own and very quickly, while others needed more time and some assistance. Based on the results, we will focus on specific areas for each student. We will use these diagnostic assessment results in math classes to practice the areas that need improvement.

Paula, Special Education Teacher

The kids really enjoyed the diagnostic assessment, and they managed to complete the exercises entirely on their own. I was very surprised by the class results. You could say that the only area without issues was the knowledge of numbers up to 5. The other areas need attention and should be given space in the lessons. It's important to focus on the areas where the kids struggled.

Blanca, 1st Grade Teacher

One student said at home that it was the best math lesson ever. None of the kids had significant problems, although I was surprised that they didn't handle sorting by a single criterion better. This year, I'm teaching math using the Hejny Method for the first time, so I shared the test results and practice approaches with the children's parents.

Gabrielle, 1st Grade Teacher

The children worked on the tasks intuitively, and the controls were seamless. We faced a bit of a challenge with their motivation to actually solve the tasks, as they found it easier to just give any answer rather than think it through a little. That's why it's important to focus on the specific shortcomings of each child based on the results of the diagnostic assessment.

Michaela, Assistant Principal for 1st Grade

The whole class enjoyed the tasks. Only 3/4 of the class hadn't used a computer and mouse before, so it took them a bit longer to complete the tasks, but we managed everything in the end. Some students had trouble with the concepts of "less by" and "more by," so we'll focus on practicing "greater than" and "less than" by a given number.

Petra, 1st Grade Teacher

The children worked independently. I was surprised that even those who have no issues with math and can solve more complex problems showed weaknesses in understanding numbers up to 5 and 10. It's great that parents can also view the results and practice the weak areas with their children. That's why it's beneficial to use more visual aids, take a few steps back with some kids, and use Levebee for individual practice.

Anna, Special Education Teacher

For some children, it was their very first time working on a computer. Some kids were happy and wanted to use Levebee again, but for others, it was too long. Working with numbers above five was more challenging for most students, and the range of 7 to 10 was unfamiliar. Many children struggled to understand "more than" and "less than" with different moving tasks. That's why we'll be incorporating Levebee into our lessons to strengthen various areas that were challenging for the kids.

Marcella, 1st Grade Teacher

I really liked the diagnostic assessment. I think it would be great to have something similar available for every new first-grader. I also appreciate that I can give parents of my students a free one-month access, so they can see how their children are doing. We will focus on developing the skills recommended after completing the diagnostic assessment.

Petra, 1st Grade Teacher

The tasks were really nicely designed for the kids (nice graphics, colors, clear instructions). I was surprised by how many children struggle with sequences and concepts like first, right after, after, before, and right before. In class, it seemed like they were managing just fine. By incorporating the things that the kids found challenging at the beginning of the lesson as short math warm-ups, their understanding and skills can improve.

Eva, First Grade Teacher

The kids surprised me; they were able to work independently. Thanks to the headphones, they weren't distracted, and each child worked on their own tablet. Logging in with the QR codes I created for them was seamless. Both the kids and I really enjoyed the work. Thanks to the summary of the entire class's results, I know which areas need more attention. When practicing and reviewing the material, I'll focus on the areas where the kids were less successful.

Lena, 1st Grade Teacher

The kids really enjoyed the tasks and managed to complete most of them almost independently. There are significant differences between the children, but this provides excellent feedback for the teacher, as they can respond more quickly and easily to the weaker areas of individual students. In our lessons, we will therefore focus primarily on those areas that most children found challenging, and then we will differentiate the instruction.

Sonia, 1st Grade Teacher

I have a positive view of the diagnostic assessment. Most of the children mainly struggled with understanding the instructions, but no one had trouble with the controls. The diagnostic assessment helped us identify pre-mathematical deficiencies in the children, while also revealing their good readiness to tackle first-grade math curriculum. Therefore, we will include exercises to support the skills they haven't mastered yet, as well as exercises to help them understand mathematical expressions, such as the number immediately after, immediately before, more than, less than, and so on.

Sarah, 1st Grade Teacher

The tasks were enjoyable for the children. Many of them had issues with concepts like more, less, and orientation in a sequence. They made more mistakes in the second half of the tasks. The diagnostic assessment aligns with the findings from our lessons. Based on the results in the workbooks, I similarly note problems with left-right orientation, sequence orientation, picture orientation, identifying elements, etc. I will focus on all these aspects because they form the foundation for later understanding of mathematics. The diagnostic assessment confirmed the correctness of my approach and will help new teachers. We practice all these aspects within the methodology for 1st-grade math. The diagnostic assessment can show us which problem to focus on more.

Joan, 1st Grade Teacher

It was really nice to see the children working intently, observing their behavior when solving problems - watching whether they prefer to give up or want to try again and again - looking for a strategy to tackle the task and succeed. I shared the results with the teacher, who is currently reviewing them. We talked about how it would be beneficial to give children, who clearly have not yet understood comparison or the concept of numbers, worksheets with individual tasks. We also shared the results with the parents so they can practice with their children using Levebee.

Miroslava, school principal

The students enjoyed the tasks, stayed engaged with them, and it became quite clear who spends time on tablets and computers, as they naturally found their way around. It was evident who is slower in class and who needs extra help, as it was the same here. The level of pre-mathematical concepts wasn't high. I hope this served as good feedback for the first-grade teachers. It seemed like they took something away from it.

Nicholas, Special Education Teacher

The students worked with interest, and most of them were completely independent. If a child needed support, they would raise their hand. They enjoyed working with the tablet. A relatively large group of children had difficulties with sequence orientation, ordinal numbers, and solving tasks with combinations of positive and negative conditions. On the other hand, the children are well-oriented in a 3 x 3 grid and understand numbers 1 - 5. The diagnostic assessment highlighted both the strengths and weaknesses of individual students, providing a good foundation for further individual work. It's necessary to tailor the assignment and formulation of tasks more to individual students and incorporate more group work, with groups formed based on the students' needs.

Jane, vice principal

The children handled the tasks well. They had trouble with navigating through a series of pictures. Based on the results of the whole class, it would be good to focus on the areas that were identified as problematic for most of the kids.

Mirka, 1st Grade Teacher

I was surprised by the number of tasks that the children found challenging. During individual home preparation and school work for individuals, as well as together in class with all the children, based on the results where more than 80% of the kids need to strengthen what they struggle with.

Katherine, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the diagnostic assessment, and they all wanted to do it again the next day. Based on the results, I'll try to focus on improving their orientation in rows, columns, and left-right orientation...

Jane, 1st grade teacher

The children engaged with the tasks enthusiastically. Some of the challenging areas included spatial orientation (in front of, behind, between...) and following multiple instructions. The kids generally managed orientation within the range of 1 to 5 quite well. In collaboration with the class teacher, we conducted individual practice sessions in the problematic areas, and we also incorporated the Levebee program.

Alina, Special Education Teacher

The diagnostic assessment was nicely prepared both didactically and graphically. The kids enjoyed the tasks. We'll focus on filling the gaps that came up during the assessment.

Jessica, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment helped me select students for split classes. I've chosen the students who were the most successful, and I'm working with them.

Jane, assistant principal

For me, the most valuable part was seeing how each student coped with stress, managed to work on exercises despite making mistakes, and who had the determination to succeed. At a small school, this is more time-consuming, but I still try to dedicate the beginning of each math class to some practice, most often grid or sequence orientation, and moving elements according to a given inequality.

Lucy, 1st grade teacher

The kids tackled the tasks with enthusiasm and really enjoyed the work. However, I think some of them relied on the fact that they could answer multiple times, which you intended as an opportunity for correction. But often, they clicked on the answers quickly, and it seemed to me, without much thought. I'm trying to incorporate similar tasks into my teaching to help the kids improve.

Renata, 1st grade teacher

The tasks were interesting, and the kids enjoyed the work. I know which areas to focus more attention on. I will pay more attention to the problematic areas.

Ms. Mary, 1st grade teacher

A lovely summary, the diagnostic assessment at the beginning of 1st grade is crucial for effective education. Differentiating instruction allows teaching methods to be tailored to the individual needs of students, ensuring that every student can reach their full potential.

Michaela, Assistant Principal

The students enjoyed the diagnostic assessment. Their knowledge of numbers was more or less excellent, but they were slightly lagging in spatial orientation skills and determining more/less quantities. It would be good to focus more on the weak areas that the diagnostic assessment revealed.

Clara, 1st grade teacher

Most of the kids enjoyed the tasks and managed to complete them almost independently. They did well with numeracy and numbers up to 5. Quite a few students have trouble with comparisons. The diagnostic assessment was beneficial for me because it allows me to focus better on the areas where the children had difficulties. I'm paying more attention to the areas where more kids had shortcomings.

Paula, 1st grade teacher

The results were beneficial for the teacher. Some students continue to practice. Thanks to the ability to listen to the instructions repeatedly, the students managed the diagnostic assessment independently. The interface was easy to use. With the results of the diagnostic assessment, the teacher can better focus on the areas that individual students struggle with and better tailor the lessons. She would appreciate the involvement of a teaching assistant for individualized instruction, but unfortunately, we don't have one available for this class.

Vera, ICT Coordinator

The kids enjoyed the tasks. Thanks to the summary of the entire class's results, we know which areas need the most attention. Based on the results of the diagnostic assessment for each student, we will focus individually on improving results in specific areas. We will also be using the Levebee app.

Mgr. Sylvia, director

The students enjoyed the diagnostic assessment and only needed help with technical issues. I plan to focus on the areas that were challenging for a larger number of students.

Anna, 1st grade teacher

I am absolutely thrilled. I have been dealing with the issue of children's readiness for school for quite some time. We are a small school with three grades in one classroom. It is very important for us to know how our children are doing and to build further work on what the children have already mastered. Nowadays, many children have problems with left-right orientation. That's why it's important for us to focus on and strengthen the things they struggle with.

Martina, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the work and asked if they would get to continue it sometime. Definitely, I'll focus on the area that was the weakest.

Lena, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks and were excited to work on them. They had issues with the number sequence up to ten, which very few students have mastered. Sometimes they struggled with concepts and didn't understand the instructions for tasks like "move so that there is one less," and so on. That's why I focus more on practicing the problematic areas and make the instructions more specific.

Lucy, 1st grade teacher

I was really surprised by how the tasks were set up, how simple the operation and visualization were. We will definitely focus on the weak points and try to go through them thoroughly.

Martina, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed it. There was a really big difference in difficulty, either more or less. There were larger differences between the children's results. Using Levebee for individual progress can help better tailor the level of difficulty to each child and support their individual development.

Susan, I recently conducted educational diagnostics with the second grade, where we are continuing w

The kids enjoyed the work and were able to work independently. The biggest challenge for them was placing the object in the grid - spatial orientation. So, we'll focus on practicing the already mentioned spatial orientation - maybe even during PE classes - like placing a ball,...

Sarah, 1st grade teacher

The tasks for the children were interesting. The mapping of skills pretty much matched the child's profile. It was important to focus on the areas where the children struggled.

Helen, Special Education Teacher

I was present during the diagnostic assessment. The kids enjoyed the tasks and worked more or less independently. The biggest challenges I noticed were with the tasks "move to make more - less," understanding before-behind orientation, and the meaning of concepts. The teacher will definitely use the results of the diagnostic assessment and, based on the overview of each student's results, will focus on individualizing the teaching.

Ms. Sylvia, school principal

The entire diagnostic assessment was excellent. It highlighted the children with a good aptitude for math, as well as those who have significant gaps. Now, after the analysis, the teachers can specifically focus on individual goals. The insights from your analysis are also beneficial for parents. There were major challenges in identifying relationships, sequences, and understanding images. The work is individualized.

Debbie, Guidance Counselor, Teacher

The children managed to work quite independently, they understood numbers up to five, but had trouble with more and less, and sometimes with sorting. We plan to use exercises from Levebee.

Eva, 1st grade teacher

The children mostly worked with joy, and they were excited by the immediate praise from Levebee. They weren't very technically skilled, so they needed a lot of support from us in that area, and there was also an issue with explaining concepts to some individuals. Several children struggled with uncertainty, often checking if they were really supposed to do what the app instructed. The results were pleasing for us in terms of clarity and comprehensiveness, highlighting the areas that need more work. We will definitely use this insight in our team teaching, where children work in groups, allowing us to better address their individual needs. Using it in team teaching will enable a more targeted selection of worksheets and more effective focus during review sessions and group work.

Svetlana, Special Education Teacher

The diagnostic assessment went smoothly. The kids managed everything well. The results weren't very favorable, but it showed me which direction to develop the children. I've started incorporating more challenging parts and work individually with students during lessons to support their growth.

Barbara, 1st grade teacher

The most challenging tasks were the "more than/less than" type, where almost all students struggled. I would like to practice those areas, both together and individually, where the students did not succeed.

Anna, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment contains really lovely tasks. The kids really enjoy Levebee. We even use the app during lessons. When the kids see me start up Levebee, they start cheering. They are highly motivated to use it at home as well. The most challenging tasks for the kids were "right after" and "mark all the pictures for...". They handled counting beautifully. That's why I'll be incorporating more of the concepts and tasks that were challenging for them into our lessons.

Veronica, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed working with the tablet and were able to complete the tasks independently. I really appreciate the summary feature for the whole class, which clearly shows which tasks were challenging for the students. As a special education teacher, it's incredibly valuable for me to see the children's results in a comprehensive way. We also focus on helping them understand the task instructions.

Lena, Special Education Teacher

At the beginning of the school year in 1st grade, children undergo a risk test. Your diagnostic assessment complemented it well, allowing us to provide parents with comprehensive information about the children's readiness to handle the 1st-grade curriculum. Teachers in 1st grade can thus respond to the needs of individual students and extend the preparation period to strengthen weaker areas. Thank you :-) We are extending the preparation period to ensure that all children have enough time to develop the necessary skills and knowledge.

Yvette, Special Education Teacher, Assistant Principal, (Elementary School Teacher)

The kids were excited about the diagnostic assessment because they knew they would be working on tablets. They understood that I couldn't help them and managed to work independently. I have 23 kids in my class, and initially, I planned to conduct the diagnostic assessment gradually with a maximum of 8 children at a time. The kids got so engrossed in their work that, with the help of another teacher, I managed to complete the diagnostic assessment for the entire class in just one lesson. Thanks to the simple QR code login, everything went smoothly. I'm a bit disappointed with the results we got. I thought the kids would be better prepared from kindergarten. They have significant difficulties understanding the concepts of more, less, and a lot, and many of them struggle with sequence orientation. But thanks to the results, I believe we can handle it all. Therefore, I don't plan to change the teaching directly, but I am incorporating more activities into all lessons, like before, after, I have one more crayon than you, and so on.

Hannah, 1st grade teacher

The kids were thrilled with the tasks, and some even asked the next day when we would be testing again :-) They received their login details immediately, and now I see that part of the class is engaged in practice. Thanks to the diagnostic assessment and webinars that explained how Levebee works, I understood why some first graders look at me as if I'm speaking Chinese to them. They simply don't understand some of the instructions. That's why I use the exercise principle - but with the help of manipulating objects, pictures (before, after, between, a few less, ...), which helps the children better understand the instructions and practice skills in a fun way.

Dana, 1st grade teacher

The children managed according to their abilities—some were completely independent and focused, while others needed encouragement to stick with the exercises. Overall, they really enjoyed working on the tablets, and the exercises were fun for them. I expected better results overall, but over time, I have to agree with Levebee—the children are indeed very different, we have a wide range of levels in the class, and the skill gap is quite significant. I'm really glad that I can at least try to tailor the teaching to each child individually. I believe that the children will practice at home with their parents, and in doing so, they will also improve their skills.

Milena, 1st grade teacher

Surprisingly, many students had trouble with spatial orientation, especially the weaker ones. That's why I'll focus on practicing what the children struggled with the most.

Eliska, 1st grade teacher

I'm glad for the overall analysis, highlighting what to focus on more and where to direct my attention. Based on the results, I can concentrate more on the problematic areas.

Margaret, 1st grade teacher

The children were engaged with the work, and we were surprised by the number of areas where they have deficits. We'll focus more on the areas where a larger number of students had difficulties and recommend targeted practice at home as well.

Petra, Special Education Teacher

The students worked independently, and the Ukrainian boy had the module switched to his language to better understand the tasks. The task processing went well, and that's why I try to work with the children individually, using differentiated instruction.

Andrea, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment exercises were very interesting and nicely designed. All the children said they enjoyed the testing and handled everything with ease. I will try to fill in certain gaps in knowledge and skills that appeared in the children after the testing.

Jessica, 1st grade teacher

Difficulties with vocabulary and completing given tasks. I will focus on the students' weaknesses and work on strengthening their strengths.

Michaela, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks and worked almost independently. Thanks to the diagnostic assessment, we know which areas we need to focus on. I will include exercises more often in which the kids are lagging behind.

Ms. Marcy, 1st grade teacher

I was surprised by the results. Thanks to this, I know what to focus on with the kids moving forward. I'll concentrate on the weaker areas that came up in the diagnostic assessment.

Jarmila, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment was very interesting. Children often have difficulties with spatial orientation. That's why we will focus more on spatial orientation and enriching their vocabulary.

Susana Rhiannon, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed practicing and learning; they didn't even realize they were learning. The app also provides me with feedback as a first-grade teacher. I can focus on the individual needs of each student.

Jessica, 1st grade teacher

Most of the children completed the tasks with enthusiasm, and I now know which areas need more practice. I'll definitely incorporate suitable exercises into the lessons.

Edith, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed working on the tablets. However, they had trouble completing the assigned tasks, especially with sequencing and sorting objects. I'll focus on these problematic areas.

Camilla, 1st grade teacher

Many students had trouble with the concepts of "more than" and "less than," so I'll use the information I've gained.

Petra, 1st grade teacher

This was our first time using tablets in class. It was something new for the students, and they were excited and really enjoyed it. Some of them surprised us with their results. Occasionally, we incorporate activity centers into our lessons, focusing on what the students did well or struggled with.

Kristina, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment was clear, and the kids managed everything on their own. The results showed us the areas where the children have weaknesses. In the 1st grade, there are only 4 students, which gives us plenty of time in class to focus on all the necessary areas.

Jane, 1st grade teacher

The results were interesting; most of the children had difficulty with sequencing. I'll focus on exercises that will help them improve this skill. I'll get inspired by the webinar on how to effectively work with the diagnostic assessment results.

Katherine, 1st grade teacher

I liked it, I saw the skills of children who usually aren't at the computer, and they quickly managed everything. In our lessons, we will focus more on expanding vocabulary.

Daria, 1st grade teacher

The children worked with great enthusiasm and really enjoyed the tasks. They worked almost independently. Many students had difficulties with tasks focused on placing images into a table and tasks aimed at finding the image that matches the name (choosing from four images). In the future, I will focus more on similar tasks.

Jane, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the diagnostic assessment, only one student asked how much longer it would take... the rest of the kids had no issues with the length of the assessment. I noticed that the task involving the number sequence was more challenging for the students, especially when it came to changes in quantity, so I'll focus on that in my teaching.

Veronica, 1st grade teacher

The kids were thrilled to work on the tablets and handled the tasks independently. The biggest challenges for the students were determining more/less and sorting by number. For the children whose results in certain areas weren't great, we definitely want to tailor the teaching to their needs.

Veronica, 1st grade teacher

Some students were impatient during certain exercises. As the exercises went on, they lost interest in similar activities. Next time, I would choose to have the students sit separately rather than together at a round table. We will use more teaching aids to help them understand the material better.

Mgr. Katherine, 1st grade teacher

I really liked it. The kids enjoyed the tasks a lot and were excited about the feedback in the form of a smiley face. Thanks to the results of the whole class, we know which areas need more attention. That's why we'll focus more on the problematic areas.

Lucy, 1st grade teacher

The children had overall below-average results, so it's important to use the diagnostic assessment results and offer them targeted practice in the Levebee app.

Teresa, 1st grade teacher

Many students struggle with the concepts of "more than" and "less than." Not everyone is familiar with the numbers 5 to 10. Some students still work in a reversed direction—from right to left. A few of them used a "guessing" approach, thinking if it's not this box, it must be the other one. That's why I plan to take advantage of the opportunity to work with Levebee during the free license period and focus on the tips and advice in the diagnostic assessment.

Mary, 1st grade teacher

I was surprised by how much some gifted children made mistakes in certain tasks, and I'm not sure what caused it. I was also taken aback that 95% of the children made errors in the task focused on more/less. The vast majority of the children really enjoyed the diagnostic assessment, and some even wanted to do it repeatedly, which was definitely helped by the attractive tool - the iPad. I plan to incorporate more concepts from the exercises where the children made more mistakes.

Lucy, 1st grade teacher

The kids were thrilled and enjoyed working with the computer, as well as the tasks themselves. Some kids finished quickly, while it took others a bit longer. The results of the diagnostic assessment are important to me. For some children who had weaker results in the diagnostic assessment, I won't place as high demands on them as I do on others and will focus on the areas where they didn't succeed.

Denise, 1st grade teacher

The children were thrilled and worked calmly... In math, we'll focus on problem-solving situations...

Petra, 1st grade teacher

The children enjoyed the work and completed the tasks independently. Even during this activity, some children showed signs of inattention or immaturity (or possible lack of interest) in schoolwork. As a result, we won't rush through new material at the beginning of the school year. We'll focus more on reinforcing the basics. I plan to use more teaching aids and incorporate simple activities, like observing things around us, into the lessons.

Katherine, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed working with the tablet. They managed the tasks almost independently. Thanks to the results, I know what needs improvement. I'll focus on the concepts of greater/lesser.

Bohdana, 1st grade teacher

The tasks were very interesting for the children. The individual approach, which focuses on the student's weaker areas based on research, can further enhance their interest and development.

Ivana, 1st grade teacher

The children worked independently and enjoyed the tasks. Currently, I continue to use Levebee, for example, by assigning extra tasks for gifted children.

Susan, 1st grade teacher

The students were thrilled, and most of them managed everything well. They had the most difficulty with the concepts of "more than," "less than," number sequences, and completing calculations. That's why we'll focus on practicing certain areas more.

Michaela, 1st grade teacher

The kids were thrilled and immediately wanted to know when we would work like this again. Some tasks were more challenging for them. I realized that we need to improve spatial orientation. I'll try to adapt some activities in class and focus on the tasks where mistakes frequently occurred.

Sabrina, 1st grade teacher

I was surprised that many children don't know certain words. Even though I don't teach in the classrooms, I'm sure the teachers will make good use of the results.

Evan, vice principal

The kids really enjoyed the work and mostly rated the tasks as "too easy," but they often made mistakes without realizing there was a problem. According to the diagnostic assessment, it seems that most of the class struggles with sequencing both elements and numbers, even though we practice these tasks frequently.

Eva, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment was great. Each of my students did it independently on the board, and I was able to watch their work and help with dragging the picture if they had trouble. It was clear where they had issues. That's why I'll try to give more examples where the kids had problems - more, less, find the picture in the middle, everything before the picture, and so on. I'll share the results with the teachers at the kindergarten.

Hannah, 1st grade teacher

We know what we need to focus on the most. Using exercises from Levebee really helps us.

Eva, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment allowed the children to complete tasks intuitively. It definitely helped us better understand their thought processes and abilities, and we'll try to tailor the teaching to what the children need.

Veronica, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the tasks, and the results of the diagnostic assessment surprised me for some of them. That's why we decided to incorporate Levebee into our teaching.

Martha, 1st grade teacher

The kids managed the tasks pretty much on their own, they enjoyed the tasks and worked willingly. It helped me to individualize my approach. It was beneficial for them because they could focus on their own pace and needs. We will adapt the teaching to the results and needs of the students.

Michaela, 1st grade teacher

The kids were genuinely excited about the diagnostic assessment. After completing it, some of them worked on the tasks provided. I was surprised by the difficulties they had with number sequences, as I don't usually notice such issues during math lessons. That's why we'll be incorporating work in the Levebee app twice a week.

Sonia, 1st grade teacher

The children worked with great focus and were highly motivated to complete tasks with Levebee, as they really cared about doing their best. Sometimes, some children wanted to double-check their answers with me before submitting them. I reassured them that if they weren't completely sure, they could listen again to what Levebee was saying and think through their answers, but it was important for them to make their own decisions. It was perfectly okay if they didn't know something yet, after all, they had only been in the first grade for a week. If there was ever an issue where the audio instructions didn't work—"Levebee wasn't speaking"—the children responsibly asked for the instructions to be read aloud. They were well-informed, and if someone didn't understand the task right away, they usually had Levebee repeat the task multiple times. The overview of individual students' results, as well as the summary for the entire class, is excellent. The diagnostic assessment greatly facilitated and, most importantly, sped up the process of determining the level of early mathematical concepts for the entire class, which is incredibly valuable with 27 children in the class. Thanks to this, we can focus on developing the desired areas during the preparatory period. It turned out that 2/3 of the students didn't understand terms important for sequence orientation, 1/5 of the children weren't ready to understand numbers 1-5, and 1/3 of the students couldn't compare the number of objects using terms like "more than/less than." After November 30th, the school will purchase a license to use Levebee and the necessary exercises in class and for individual work with students.

Monica, Special Education Teacher

I really liked the diagnostic assessment; it helped me understand which areas to focus on with my students during practice. I'll concentrate on the areas they struggled with when practicing the material.

Ms. Jane, 1st grade teacher

The children worked with focus and enjoyed the tasks. After reviewing the results, I know which area of mathematics to focus on more. When practicing the material, it's important to concentrate on the weaker areas.

Jane, 1st grade teacher

I like that the students' results are summarized in individual areas, and it's important to support the students more. In the areas where they had weaker results, we should focus more on the weaker spots with the class.

Katherine, 1st grade teacher

The students had problems with spatial orientation. We'll focus on the things that the children struggled with.

Lucy, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the tasks, although some found them challenging. We need to think about it more and definitely meet with the kindergarten teacher as well.

Lucy, assistant principal

Yes, I liked it. I was surprised that they struggle with sorting; I guess I assumed it was automatic. That's why I'll focus on sorting.

Petra, 1st grade teacher

The kids were really interested in getting started. For some of them, it was their first time working on tablets. After the holidays, a few kids had trouble focusing and finishing the entire test. I think the project is very well done. The final evaluation and recommendations are excellent. We'd love to do the same test for comparison at the end of November. We’re supplementing our lessons with selected exercises.

Hannah, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed working with it; it was a nice change in the lessons. I was surprised by the difficulties with tasks like: "Identify the animal that has feathers." Therefore, I will focus on tailoring the lessons to the actual needs of the students.

Olga, 1st grade teacher

Students know the numbers, but lack logical reasoning. That's why it's important to actively develop it further.

Teresa, 1st grade teacher

I was really surprised by how many children were able to work independently and were so happy to complete their tasks. The biggest challenges were with left-right orientation and determining "between." We're starting with the number line up to 5. We practice left-right orientation, as well as "before," "after," and "between." We also practice using fairy tales and pictures.

Violet, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the tasks and managed to complete them almost independently. Based on the results, we'll practice what was most challenging for them.

Jessica, 1st grade teacher

The information I discovered in the first month was confirmed. We'll support the weaker areas through hands-on activities.

Teresa, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the diagnostic assessment and managed to complete it almost independently. Thanks to the results, I was able to confirm which children need support. It's important to focus individually on strengthening weak areas.

Caroline, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the tasks, and it was a great change of pace for them. Now I have a better understanding of what needs more work. I'll do my best to improve the students' weaknesses.

Barbara, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks, although there were some issues with understanding the instructions, more or less (2 pictures and moving elements). I will definitely return to the examples later, right after...

Olga, 1st grade teacher

The students really enjoyed working with iPads, and they managed the individual tasks independently, although they probably worked without much understanding and were mostly guessing. Most of the children do not understand the concepts needed to navigate a sequence and cannot identify the principle of arranging objects, which requires analytical thinking. The students had significant difficulties using the concepts of slightly more/less in the range of 1-5, and they do not know that ordinal numbers determine order. On the other hand, they are ready to understand numbers 1-5 and their meanings, with more than 60% of the students ready to understand numbers 1-10, and almost 60% managed to navigate a 3x3 grid. Thanks to the results of the entire class, I know which types of tasks need to be included more frequently at the beginning of the school year. I will focus on the types of tasks where the students showed the most weaknesses and will incorporate them more regularly into the lessons, both in printed form and when working with the Levebee app on iPads.

Monica, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks and mostly knew what to do. The issues were more on the technical side. Some had trouble with matching elements up to 10 and understanding the concepts of more and less. I'll include more practice in the areas that were more challenging.

Leona, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks; each worked at their own pace, with their own tablet and headphones. Everyone is ready to understand numbers 1 to 5, but they struggle with sequence orientation. We'll practice sequence orientation and more/less concepts using specific objects and pictures. We'll also focus on combining positive and negative conditions in the PL. Additionally, we'll concentrate on language skills.

Petra, 1st grade teacher

The kids were excited about the testing, but they struggled with tasks that had longer instructions, concepts like more and less, and surprisingly, even tasks involving determining before and after. Based on the results, we are practicing a lot with the concepts of before, after, right, and left.

Lena, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment is great. I've already passed the information on to the teachers with instructions on how to practice each skill.

Sharon, Special Education Teacher

I was surprised by how many children have issues with spatial orientation. We'll revisit the topics where the children made mistakes.

Lucy, 1st grade teacher

I was surprised by how positively the students rated all the tasks. The issue arose with the task where there were multiple answers, like marking all the blocks before the last one. On the other hand, no one had trouble with the numbers. I really like the detailed evaluation of each section. I plan to focus more on the areas where the students had difficulties.

Rose, 1st grade teacher

There is a big difference in skill levels within the class. That's why it's important to tailor teaching individually according to the students' needs.

Hannah, 1st grade teacher

Working on tablets was very engaging for the children, and they are looking forward to the next time. The students later described the tasks as very easy, yet they made many mistakes. It's important to focus on the most common errors and regularly incorporate them into the lessons.

Alena, 1st grade teacher

I like the individual information about each student across all questions/subjects of the diagnostic assessment. Based on the results, we focus on specific areas.

Lucy, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment was very interesting and well-structured. The tasks were engaging, nicely illustrated, and motivating for the students. From the tasks, I learned what the students struggle with - we'll be practicing based on these exercises.

Mira, 1st grade teacher

I got a clearer picture of each student's performance. The kids really enjoyed the tasks. We also use them during lessons. We'll focus on practicing the sequencing of elements.

Sarah, 1st grade teacher

The tasks were enjoyable for the children, but some found them difficult. It was surprising to see issues with sequence orientation and poorer understanding of the instructions. During individual work, I will focus more on the student who almost didn't manage the test (although I had this assumption even before the test). I will more frequently include tasks on sequence and spatial orientation and ensure that the children understand the instructions and what they need to do.

Petra, 1st grade teacher

I was surprised by the generally weaker level of math skills compared to how the children perform in class. From time to time, I include tasks recommended by Levebee.

Iveta, 1st grade teacher

The kids managed it and worked mostly independently. I will focus on the areas where they haven't succeeded yet. I'll include specific tasks to develop further math skills.

Jessica, 1st grade teacher

I agree, the kids really enjoyed the tasks. The main issues were around the fifth picture, between the pictures. Give one more than. Now we know what you need to specifically focus on and what to review again.

Lada, Special Education Teacher

The students worked independently and were able to solve the tasks. We will use tablets more often because they really enjoyed it.

Lucy, 1st grade teacher

The students enjoyed the work. I will gradually familiarize myself with the results. We will work with Levebee at least once a week.

Vera, 1st grade teacher

The students enjoyed the diagnostic assessment and gave positive feedback. Some students had trouble concentrating, which likely affected the results a bit. I was negatively surprised by how many students struggled with sequence orientation, so that's an area we'll focus on more. On the bright side, I was pleased to see that most of the class understands numbers, so I can work with them confidently. I will definitely use the results. I'm glad to know which students have difficulties in certain areas, so I can give them more individual attention. I also know there are specific areas I need to address with the whole class. At the same time, the diagnostic assessment highlighted a few children who I know can handle more challenging tasks or work more independently.

Lucy, 1st grade teacher

The children really enjoyed it and saw it as a game. Thanks to the results for the whole class, I know which areas need attention. I plan to focus on what Levebee's diagnostic assessment showed me about the children who are ahead and those who need individual help.

Mira, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the tasks and kept asking when they could work with Levebee again. Thanks to the results, we know where more practice is needed. We'll tailor our teaching to the results of the diagnostic assessment and include more educational tools for clarity and understanding of the material.

Marcella, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks. The results aren't great, but hopefully, the parents will take them as motivation to work on improvements. We'll need to include some extra practice in a few lessons. We'll offer the kids a club where we can address these shortcomings.

Lena, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed working on the tablets. However, they found some exercises quite challenging. I like that I have data from the entire class and can continue to work with it. I will definitely focus on the areas that the kids struggled with.

Katherine, 1st grade teacher

The children enjoyed the tasks. They worked independently, with only a few exceptions. I plan to incorporate individual lessons based on each student's results.

Paula, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed working on the tablets. They had trouble with the concepts of immediately before, immediately after, and more than and less than. I'll focus on these problematic areas.

Martina, 1st grade teacher

I was surprised by some students and the areas they struggled with. I hadn't noticed these issues during lessons. That's why I'll focus on practicing the problematic topics.

Teresa, 1st grade teacher

I liked the diagnostic assessment; it was a different kind of independent activity that required the children to focus. I would recommend incorporating work with Levebee regularly into the lessons.

Lena, 1st grade teacher

The children worked mostly independently. The biggest challenge was in determining slightly more/less and in finding the picture that matched the given statements. It would be beneficial to personalize the approach more and work with each student on what they need to develop.

Blanca, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment was fun for the kids, and the tasks were engaging. If any student has a significantly weaker area, I plan to focus more on that area.

Rachel, 1st grade teacher

Thanks to the diagnostic assessment, I have an idea of the children's current level and can focus on the areas where problems have emerged.

Martina, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the diagnostic assessment (even in the higher grades, it got them excited about working more with Levebee). It was a brilliant idea to award points for the assessment, and right after finishing, they could "go shopping." Most of the kids struggled with the order (the difference between the terms "before" and "right before" - this issue had already appeared when they were entering first grade). They also had trouble with describing objects using negation (Find in the picture - it has long ears, but it is NOT standing on the ground). It would be great to take inspiration from the exercises recommended to the kids and incorporate them into classroom practice, but manually, without using tablets and PCs. These exercises could then be recommended to parents for practice at home on tablets and phones.

Veronica, 1st grade teacher

Some of the kids were really quick, but with two of them, I had to provide support. Even though they had headphones on, I reassured them not to rush and also read the instructions to them again. I noticed that spatial orientation was a challenge, as well as understanding terms like "before," "right before," and concepts like "more" and "less." Regarding the language exercise, the kids didn't understand some terms, like "nobleman," and someone didn't understand the word "bait," among others. Therefore, I will focus on practicing these during the course material, and I'll definitely include exercises recommended by Levebee to gradually uncover any shortcomings. It will be beneficial to share the results with the kindergarten teacher we closely collaborate with.

Karla, 1st grade teacher

I really appreciated your webinar full of interesting insights. The diagnostic assessment was enjoyable for the kids, although it was a bit long for some, and their attention waned towards the end. We'll continue practicing with Levebee and focus more on the areas that the diagnostic assessment identified as problematic.

Michaela, 1st grade teacher

The children were captivated by the tasks and worked with great enthusiasm. We will focus individually on the students who need more support.

Mgr. Bc. Stanley, ICT Methodologist and Coordinator

The children enjoyed the activities, but they had trouble with the concepts of more and less. That's why we're practicing the types of tasks they struggled with in the Levebee app.

Romana, 1st grade teacher

The kids got involved without any issues, worked completely independently, and were thrilled. They worked with interest. Only for those children who encountered more serious problems, we'll set up a teaching intervention to help them master the basic material.

Hannah, Special Education Teacher

The diagnostic assessment was great. I plan to try some of the tasks in my teaching.

Paula, 1st grade teacher

The students enjoyed the tasks, and the results are varied. Thanks to the results, I discovered what each student needs. Levebee provides me with feedback on which students are practicing at home. Working in groups on a given problem also brings interesting insights.

Ilona, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks and liked working with the iPad. As expected, they have significant problems understanding the instructions. I'll definitely adjust the teaching because the whole class has huge gaps in math skills.

Olga, 1st grade teacher and special education teacher

Surprisingly, the results matched the information we already had about the children's abilities and skills. They also provide insights for the kindergarten, where some things could still be fine-tuned. It would be beneficial to use Levebee more.

Lydia, Special Education Teacher

The students are very well guided by Levebee, and they enjoy the work. Since they are students with mild intellectual disabilities, they need some assistance. We proceed in small steps because the students can't maintain their attention for long, and once they struggle with something, it's hard to keep them engaged. This is due to their mental challenges. The students received a QR code to take home, and those who have access to a computer work with Levebee at home, which is really great. I review the results and focus on the problematic areas. At our type of school, we are currently working on pre-mathematical concepts.

Ladislava, First Grade Teacher, Special Educator

The children worked independently, and we will focus on concepts like more, less, etc. We will use exercises from Levebee and other applications, concentrating on developing mathematical understanding through visual aids.

Lena, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed it. They had some trouble figuring out which item was first, last, or in between... The results are perfect; I can check my own estimates and then focus on the gaps in problematic areas. We'll concentrate more on specific issues, which will allow us to find more effective solutions and improvements in the areas where it's most needed.

Simone, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the diagnostic assessment. Many of them had trouble with sequences (like figuring out what's between the 1st and 3rd picture) and with negation (like finding the animal that isn't white). It would be good to focus more on sequences.

Anna, 1st grade teacher

Most of the students had trouble with concepts like more or less, up to ten. Overall, numbers greater than five. In our lessons, we will focus on areas based on the individual results of the children.

Susan, ICT coordinator, assistant principal for elementary level

The children were thrilled with the tasks, and the whole activity was a lot of fun for them. The ninth graders helped the first graders log into the app, and they approached helping their younger classmates very responsibly. I went through the results of the diagnostic assessment repeatedly. Thank you for them! Currently, we are focusing more on recognizing numbers up to five and comparing within the range of five.

Martina, 1st grade teacher

We really enjoyed it, even though we made a lot of mistakes. We will get better. Mistakes are our friends. We'll definitely use this in class.

Jill, 1st grade teacher

The students really enjoyed the work and are already practicing at home. The exercises are intuitive and fun. I appreciate the feedback on the difficulty of the exercises. The results are a great help for me in my further work, and I've already signed up for the follow-up webinar. I'll focus on the areas where the student is weak.

Pauline, 1st grade teacher

It was interesting to watch the kids as they worked, seeing where they got stuck and what came easily to them. Since most of the kids had trouble with sequencing, vocabulary, and comprehension, I'll be focusing a lot on hands-on activities and expanding their vocabulary.

Eva, 1st grade teacher

The kids were really happy, they enjoyed the tasks, and they're interested in practicing with Levebee at home too. Thanks to the summary, I can estimate which areas might present a problem or which areas my students have already mastered. As I mentioned earlier, it's important to develop the weaker areas and not spend too much time on the ones the kids have already mastered.

Mary, 1st grade teacher

The kids mostly enjoyed the tasks, especially working with tablets. Only a few wanted to finish early when they saw that their faster classmates were already done. With the help of the classroom assistant, we focused on explaining mathematical operations and other concepts individually, which really helped those who needed more time to grasp the material.

Lena, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks, and I found them inspiring for my lessons. They helped reinforce pre-mathematical concepts and more. I use and create tools that assist children with spatial orientation, working with tables, and I incorporate additional tasks into my teaching, similar to those in Levebee.

Bozena, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment was beneficial for both the children and the teachers, and subsequently for the parents as well. We discovered which areas each student should focus on and which exercises could help them in their practice. I then used some of the recommended exercises during math lessons.

Dr. Ed. Mgr. Eve, 1st grade teacher and special educator

The children worked with interest, and I was surprised by their independence when using the tablet. The most important feedback is the specific information about the areas that need to be reinforced for smooth future math lessons. That's why I need to revisit the areas where the children are not yet confident.

Martina, 1st grade teacher

The students, the parents, and I, whom I introduced to the diagnostic assessment during the parent-teacher meeting and invited as additional supervisors to Levebee, all enjoy working with Levebee and the diagnostic assessment. Practicing during lessons is crucial. At the beginning of each lesson, we always focus on a specific problem and practice a specific exercise together with the students as part of our review. Additionally, during tutoring, we work on specific exercises with individual students to support their development.

Eva, 1st grade teacher

The individual tasks were really enjoyable for the students. The tasks were creative and enticing for them. Working with ICT technology was a big hit with the students. We conducted the diagnostic assessment on computers, with students wearing headphones and fully concentrating on completing the tasks. We plan to gradually incorporate individual exercises into our lessons. We'll start by having the students practice the suggested exercises based on the completed diagnostic assessment. I'll also send an invitation to parents for home practice.

Dagmar, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks, and their enthusiasm carried over to home, where they continued working on individual tasks with improved technique. In class, we monitor each student's progress, and the kids are still very engaged. We even incorporate some exercises into our lessons. The diagnostic assessment is a brilliant idea, thank you for that! I took advantage of the free access to the program in October-November to announce a class competition, Levebee and Us.

Jane, 1st grade teacher

The kids were thrilled and really excited to have their own tablet and headphones, instead of doing it together on our IT board like they have been until now. After the first month of school, when first graders have to manage more in other areas of learning and life, we'll focus more on practicing concepts in spatial orientation.

Katherine, 1st grade teacher

Working on iPads was enriching for the children, and they really enjoyed the tasks. I confirmed that for most of the children, comparing objects and navigating grids and sequences was very challenging. On the other hand, the students are ready to understand numbers 1 to 10 and their meanings. Based on the diagnostic assessment, we can support the children in areas of mathematical concepts where they have gaps. We plan to use Levebee for practice, taking advantage of the individualization it offers to each student.

Linda, first-grade teacher

The tasks were enjoyable for the children; they mostly felt they were easy, but the level of results was weaker. I would say they aren't used to listening to instructions all the way through and tend to work based on their intuition. So, they start without a precise understanding and only realize what they need to do as they go along. Additionally, some children have a weak vocabulary, so they labeled concepts incorrectly. It's great that Levebee evaluates the results and generates exercises to improve specific areas. That's why it's beneficial to incorporate exercises directly on the interactive whiteboard during lessons and, as much as possible, allow children to practice individually on tablets.

Lena, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed working on the tablets, although some of them initially had trouble handling them. The tasks were varied and fun. Quite a few students struggled with comparisons. Thanks to the diagnostic assessment, I know what to focus on with the students. I'll pay more attention to what they found challenging.

Sonia, 1st grade teacher

The children enjoy working with Levebee, and they found the tasks fun. I was surprised that many of them had difficulties with tasks involving spatial orientation. The kids received QR codes for practice at home, and we are working on the different types of tasks in our math classes and will continue to do so.

Jane, 1st grade teacher

I discovered that some children had difficulties with sequencing and the concepts of before, after, and between. Some kids had to listen to the instructions twice because they couldn't grasp the content on the first try. I will inform each child's legal guardian about the results individually, and we'll also agree on the areas we need to focus on.

Ludmila, 1st grade teacher

I really enjoyed the work, and I appreciate having licenses for home use too, as I can see that they are practicing. They mostly had trouble understanding some of the tasks. The results help me decide what to focus on and during parent-teacher-student meetings, I can assess the students' progress. It's important to address whether they understood the instructions correctly and to thoroughly practice the basic concepts.

Dagmar, 1st grade teacher

The students enjoyed working on tablets; it was a different kind of math lesson for them, and they saw the diagnostic assessment as a computer game. In my teaching, I will focus more on some problematic areas.

Monica, 1st grade teacher

The kids were thrilled to be able to work with tablets. Quite a few of them had never used a touchscreen before, but they quickly got the hang of it. I more or less expected the results we achieved. Sometimes, a little help with the first step was needed—especially when it just wasn't working after several tries. I recommended to the parents of these students that they practice in the specific area and added them as supervisors.

Margaret, 1st grade teacher

The children worked independently and with great enthusiasm. I noticed that many students have difficulties with the concepts of more/less, while most of them understand the relationships between numbers and their numerical representation in the range of 1-5. Based on the results of the diagnostic assessment, I plan to tailor the lessons to focus on specific areas where the children need improvement. I will provide individual support to students who have more difficulties in certain areas. Special emphasis will be placed on creating and comparing groups of objects. The lessons will be enriched with interactive exercises.

Zdena, 1st grade teacher

I was able to observe differences in independence and readiness to solve logical tasks. The kids really enjoyed the tasks :-) Therefore, I will focus more on the students who showed lower readiness for math tasks.

Katherine, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed it. Most of the students completed the diagnostic assessment fairly quickly, but the overall results revealed significant gaps that we need to address. The children struggled a lot with completing sequences and comparing numbers. I plan to incorporate the Levebee app extensively into our afternoon school sessions, as well as during regular classes. It will depend on the availability of headphones and IT equipment. In our lessons, I will focus on exercises that the kids found challenging and alternate activities in the app with game-like elements in everyday life.

Teresa, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the tasks and were able to handle them almost independently. Surprisingly, many students struggled to create and compare groups of objects using the concepts of "more than" / "less than" within the range of 1–5 and had difficulty navigating the number sequence 1–10 with visual support. On the other hand, almost all the children managed to understand the numbers 1–5 and their meanings. Thanks to the summary of the entire class's results, I know which areas need the most attention. Therefore, we will include exercises to practice comparing objects using the concepts of "more than" / "less than" and navigating the number sequence with visual support. During the school license period, we also plan to incorporate and utilize the Levebee app in our lessons.

Ms. Jessica, 1st-grade teacher + special education teacher

The children were thrilled with the tasks. They enjoyed the interaction and liked the voice feedback—praise for correctly completed tasks and encouragement in case of mistakes. The biggest challenges for the children were tasks where they had to manipulate images according to instructions, such as "There will be two more in the red frame than in the gray frame"... Also, the cards with different numbers—logical sequences. Then, tasks where they had to identify images in a sequence according to instructions, like "Which images are between two given images?"... "Which images are between the 7th and 10th image?" They generally did very well in matching numbers with quantities and placing images in frames according to instructions—top x bottom x middle, PxL. We will regularly practice these tasks at school. The children are very motivated to use Levebee at home as well. I plan to focus more on specific types of tasks where the children face the most difficulties.

Olga, 1st grade teacher

Almost all the kids enjoyed the diagnostic assessment, and we'll be incorporating Levebee into our lessons more often (after completing a block of material). Personally, I find the class summary of the diagnostic assessment particularly beneficial. It helps me prepare for future lessons and identify areas that need more focus. I'll be continuously integrating topics that the kids haven't mastered yet, and after finishing another unit, we'll conduct the diagnostic assessment again. If some kids still struggle with the material, we'll address it individually.

Olga, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the tasks and, with a little help, were able to work almost independently. Surprisingly, a large percentage of the children don't understand the concepts needed for orientation in a sequence and haven't mastered the relationships between numbers and their numerical representation. Thanks to the class summary from the diagnostic assessment, we know which areas need the most attention. We'll be focusing on strengthening cognitive skills and logical thinking, practicing number sequences and the concepts important for navigating them, as well as comparing and sorting with gradually increasing difficulty. It's also necessary to develop language skills so that any difficulties in math aren't simply due to misunderstanding instructions.

Lena, 1st grade teacher

The kids were able to work almost independently. The instructions were clear and easy to understand. There wasn't a single task that the students couldn't handle. We'll focus especially on the types of exercises where the students made the most mistakes and incorporate them into our lessons through games and practice on Levebee.

Jane, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks, although a few of them struggled with the concepts of more/less by 1. On the other hand, I was quite surprised that several kids had no trouble with the numbers 5-10 and matching pictures to them. After reviewing the results, I now know what to focus on more. Based on the results, I will incorporate similar exercises that the kids found challenging into the lessons, along with more logical tasks.

Hannah, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks. They often didn't know how to handle (what seemed to me) simple instructions like "top left" or "bottom right." They mostly didn't understand the term "before the last." Determining order and concepts like "right before" and "right after" were also more challenging for them. That's why I created a worksheet for arranging pictures and sticking them into a grid to practice order and concepts like "right before," "right after," "second to last," and so on.

Anna, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed this activity, even though they struggled with the tasks. The biggest challenge was with the concepts of more/less and arranging sequences of pictures by number. If we had the opportunity and time during lessons, we would conduct similar diagnostic assessments at least once a month. The kids were really engaged with the work. It was something new for them, even though some tasks were quite difficult.

Katherine, 1st grade teacher

The children were thrilled, and the tasks really captured their interest. They would love to continue practicing on the interactive display at school and during their homework. As expected, most of the children had issues with the concepts of more/less and in exercises involving ordering by more/less. Additionally, there were shortcomings in the area of arranging numbers on the number line (immediately before, immediately after). Even though we constantly practice these activities, the same problems appear with the 2nd-grade students. I would like to continue practicing with the Levebee app at least 1-2 hours a week together at school and during the students' homework. Of course, it depends on the cost of the products, as we are a very small school with only 24 students.

Barbara, 1st grade teacher

I was surprised that the kids were able to focus for quite a long time. I was worried they wouldn't be able to work independently, but the program is very intuitive. It turned out that the kids have trouble identifying the first, last, right before, etc., and we're already working on this area in class. We're focusing on practicing the problematic areas. I'd like to incorporate Levebee more into our lessons.

Martina, 1st grade teacher

All the kids worked on the tablet with enthusiasm and maximum concentration. It's great to know the current developmental level of a child in mathematics and to kickstart further support. The evaluation of the diagnostic assessment is very detailed. Our school will definitely purchase a Levebee license, and the children will work on the recommended tasks. I'll incorporate the tasks on tablets and the interactive whiteboard.

Eva, 1st grade teacher

I was surprised by how challenging the concept of "between" is. The kids often replayed the instructions several times, even though I believe the tasks are clear and appropriate. I plan to continue following the suggestions from the diagnostic assessment and recommend practicing at home.

Clara, 1st grade teacher

Levebee is an amazing tool for accurately mapping out the level in individual areas and identifying children who need more support. I would never have gained such an overview without this tool. I would really appreciate something similar for reading. I'll focus on more practice in the areas where a larger part of the class showed deficiencies. For specific children, I'll monitor progress in particular problem areas.

Jane, 1st grade teacher

The kids in the class worked independently, and I was pleasantly surprised. Many students struggled with concepts like "...between the third and fifth picture..." We are already using the app together on the touch screen or individually on iPads. From the overall diagnostic assessment, I selected the areas where the children made the most mistakes and am focusing more on those.

Jarmila, 1st grade teacher

The kids were really looking forward to the testing and they enjoyed it a lot. For me, the results were very interesting, and I'm incorporating the areas that turned out to be weak into my lessons (more, less, between, etc.). I'm including similar tasks that they found challenging.

Jane, school principal, first-grade teacher

The students were very motivated. They enjoyed working with Levebee. Surprisingly, a large percentage of students had difficulties with the concept of sequencing objects, creating and comparing groups of objects, and managing the combination of negative and positive conditions. On the other hand, all students were able to understand the concepts of 1-5, and most of the children managed to navigate a 3x3 grid. The summary of the diagnostic assessment results is an excellent tool and inspiration for further work with the children. I plan to include similar exercises as warm-ups and activity-based learning.

Libby, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment was enjoyable for all the students; they all worked with enthusiasm and had no issues using the tablet. The diagnostic assessment confirmed that all the students have problems with vocabulary and comprehension, which aligns with their placement in the speech therapy first grade. Everyone struggled with tasks involving more or less, and with orientation in sequences and space. Some students have very weak pre-mathematical skills, which is also evident in their lessons. Now I know which students to focus on more and to pay extra attention to understanding numbers and quantities, even within the range of up to 3. Most students in previous classes managed this without any issues when they started the first grade.

Katherine, first-grade speech therapist (students with dysphasia)

The students really enjoyed practicing math online, and we used school tablets for the diagnostic assessment. The kids managed to work independently, and everyone completed the assessment. The students had the most difficulty with spatial orientation and comparing numbers up to 5. We will continue to focus on this area. I plan to incorporate individual exercises more into math lessons and to use the Levebee app for online practice to increase student engagement.

Petra, 1st grade teacher

The kids were excited to complete the tasks, and they really enjoyed the work. For me, it was very interesting and educational to observe their reactions to the instructions that guided them through each exercise. The summary of the entire class's results is beneficial for me. It highlighted areas that need more attention. I use exercises from the Levebee app in my teaching.

Lena, 1st grade teacher

The kids were thrilled, they really enjoyed the tasks, and a big part of it was that they could work on tablets for the first time, and now they want to do it all the time. What surprised me the most in the results were the issues with concepts like "after the first picture, between the picture of the dog and the flower, all before the last picture." I plan to include activities more frequently in my lessons where the kids can fill in their "gaps."

Teresa, 1st grade teacher

Most of the students were able to work independently and complete most of the tasks without the teacher's assistance. It was clear that the tasks engaged the children, and they were delighted to successfully finish the testing. The results of the diagnostic assessment showed more pronounced differences between individual students. The most common issue was with the concept of "more than/less than," and several students struggled with orientation on a 2x3 and 3x3 grid, the order of objects, and ordinal numbers. Therefore, it's important for us to use more visual aids and real-life examples in our teaching, practice grid orientation, help students develop a sense of numbers, sort by one or more characteristics, arrange by lines, and notice the number of objects.

Jaroslava, 1st grade teacher

Given the severe communication disorders, where understanding is very limited, I was surprised that the children didn't ask for help. I am very pleased with the detailed evaluation of the diagnostic assessment. I plan to mention this at the parent-teacher meeting, where parents will be introduced to the possibility of working with the "Levebee" program and the challenges the children are facing. I will definitely follow the advice on what to focus on with specific children, and I offer the children tutoring with the help of the "Levebee" app, as we are a boarding school and the children go home for the weekend. I have already arranged with the school administration to purchase the license again after the free access ends.

Alena, 1st grade teacher

Most of the children enjoyed the tasks. The diagnostic assessment revealed several interesting facts, and I will certainly focus on the students' weak points in my teaching. It also confirmed to me that the students who already seem to struggle with orientation in class truly have comprehension issues. I am already incorporating exercises into my lessons, not just in math, such as practicing terms like before, after, second after, etc., which are concepts where the children most frequently made mistakes. I will definitely include orientation on a grid and number line in the near future.

Rachel, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the tasks and were able to complete them independently. I was surprised that in one class, 100% of the students couldn't create and compare groups of objects using the terms "more than" / "less than" within the range of 1–5. In another first-grade class, 100% of the students couldn't navigate the number sequence from 1 to 10 with visual support and likely don't understand that ordinal numbers determine the position of an element in a sequence and that the last number in a sequence indicates the total count. In a third first-grade class, 100% of the students currently couldn't grasp the principle of ordering objects, which requires analytical thinking. Even though I'm not teaching math in the first grade this year (only one hour in tandem), I assume that the class teachers plan to adjust their teaching based on the results of the diagnostic assessment to address these gaps.

Eva, Elementary School Math and Computer Science Teacher

The diagnostic assessment was conducted in a fun way, and I was surprised to find that few children understand terms like "right after the second," "before the last one," "all after the first," and so on. That's why we're focusing more on practicing areas where weaker knowledge was identified.

Hannah, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks. I was surprised by how much I need to consider in my teaching based on the results. It confirmed my opinion about the class, that there are significant differences among the children. Since the beginning of the year, we've been focusing on working on the grid, in a square network - row x column, prepositions in math, and arranging objects. We will continue to work on these areas.

Svetlana, 1st grade teacher

Levebee was quite engaging for the kids. The summary evaluation of the entire class's results is fantastic. We'll need to focus more intensively on tasks that require analytical, logical, and verbal thinking with the children. Therefore, we'll be incorporating more exercises to practice these skills. The issue was explained to the parents, and they were offered the option of home practice with Levebee.

Lena, 1st grade teacher

This form of diagnostic assessment was really enjoyable for the kids, and they didn't have any major issues with it. The results are beautifully clear, and now I know which tasks to choose to be most beneficial for the students' needs. We'll focus on reviewing and practicing skills where the kids had weaker results, as these are crucial for their further development.

Jane, 1st grade teacher

What I appreciate the most is that the diagnostic assessment truly identifies potential shortcomings. As a teacher, it's fantastic for me to see the ongoing results of my students. I can look at each student individually, and your app even recommends exercises to address specific areas. Last but not least, I have to mention that the students were thrilled with the learning program; they really enjoyed learning on iPads. I immediately incorporated activities into the lessons where the students had the most difficulties.

Teresa, 1st grade teacher

I definitely like the option to access the app via a QR code; it was quick. The overall class results are also very good, so I know what to focus on in my teaching. It's great that parents also have the opportunity to view the results and possibly get recommendations on what to practice. I'll focus on the specific recommended exercises and similar ones.

Luba, 1st grade teacher

Working with the tablet and headphones was incredibly appealing to the children, and I even encountered a child who laughed unbelievably. Almost everyone completed it without help. However, there were situations where they hastily tried and tapped on everything possible and couldn't find their way out, which didn't concern your work with the app. The children completed the testing independently. Everything was understandable and clear, even for Ukrainian children. I consider the results to be invaluable information from which I can build. At the same time, it can also serve as feedback for the kindergartens and preparatory classes from which the children came. The information is comprehensive and clear. I will focus on the critical topics that emerged during the testing so that we can better understand the children's needs and tailor further educational activities to them.

Petra, 1st grade teacher

The tasks were interesting, and the kids worked nicely, staying focused beyond expectations. The evaluation is also great, highlighting strengths and weaknesses. I'll focus on individual collaboration with the children and the assistant.

Blanca, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment was engaging. The kids worked almost independently. They mostly struggled with tasks like "Select all the pictures before the tree." I plan to incorporate more exercises similar to those from the diagnostic assessment into my teaching. We've already had exercises with chestnuts, where the children practiced concepts of more or less.

Katherine, Teacher

Our class has a third of the students coming from socio-culturally disadvantaged backgrounds, which has significantly impacted their results. The lack of understanding of terms (such as between, missing, how it changes, how much more, etc.) was most evident. I'm planning to involve parents more and give them the opportunity to practice weak areas at home. We don't have enough tablets or headphones for the whole class at school.

Petra, 1st grade teacher

The kids were thrilled to complete tasks on the computer. I think sometimes they didn't really think about what Levebee was telling them and just randomly tried to see what would "pass." I was surprised that, according to the diagnostic assessment, most of them aren't familiar with the number sequence 1-10. Today, I practiced it with them, and it didn't seem to me that they had issues with this sequence or the related concepts. Nonetheless, I'm grateful for the diagnostic assessment as it gives me tips on how I can help individual students and makes me think about what and how to practice. I'll try to incorporate things into my teaching that, according to the results, might be challenging for the students.

Paula, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the tasks and managed to complete them almost independently. Surprisingly, many students had trouble with the concepts of "more than" and "less than," but on the bright side, all the children knew the numbers up to 5. Thanks to the summary of the whole class's results, we now know which areas need the most attention. In our lessons, we'll focus on the areas of math that, according to the diagnostic assessment results, need more practice.

Ivana, 1st grade teacher

I really liked the diagnostic assessment. I was surprised to see that a large number of students had trouble with sequencing. Thanks to the project, we identified a group of students who might struggle with math. We'll focus on the areas that were challenging for them.

Michaela, Special Education Teacher

I really liked the diagnostic assessment. The kids enjoyed the tasks. I was surprised that many students had trouble with sequencing (right before/after). Now we know which areas to focus on more with specific students. We'll adjust our teaching during tandem lessons and concentrate on the areas that were challenging for the students.

Michaela, Special Education Teacher

The children worked independently and without any issues; all the tasks were understandable. I was surprised that some students had trouble with the concepts of more and less. We only have four first-grade students, as we are a small school, so I can focus on each of them individually, directly in the area where they struggled during the diagnostic assessment. I tailor the teaching to the students individually, preparing activities specifically for them, so that each one can develop at their own pace and overcome any difficulties that arise.

Paula, 1st grade teacher

To my surprise, the kids really enjoyed it and were quite independent. The biggest challenge was getting them to line up correctly. I definitely need to incorporate this more into math lessons. Additionally, tasks like "x less," "x more," sorting objects, and others. The biggest success was with numbers 1 - 5. I'll make a detailed list of what to develop and practice more with each student, and I'll take advantage of the individual teaching opportunities at our school. I'll come up with similar activities that can be done offline.

Patricia, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed working with the tablets. Quite a few of them had trouble identifying objects among others and with logical sequences. That's why we'll focus more on these challenging areas and practice them during lessons.

Katherine, 1st grade teacher

I was surprised by the results of the diagnostic assessment for a very talented student when it came to logical thinking and numerical calculations. His results were quite weak. I had no idea that he still hadn't solidified his understanding of left-right orientation and struggled with the number sequence, which he had a hard time with in first grade. That's why I'm considering buying headphones to make it easier and more frequent to use the Levebee app in class.

Jessica, 3rd Grade Teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks, they liked working on iPads, and they managed it almost independently. Surprisingly, half of the children didn't understand the concepts needed for navigation in a sequence, and 3/4 of them couldn't create and compare groups of objects using the terms "more than" / "less than" within the range of 1–5, even though these activities were the ones they focused on the most in kindergarten. The teacher is ready to incorporate activities into the lessons that are deemed necessary according to the diagnostic assessment and to pay attention and dedicate more time to the concepts needed for orientation in a sequence and comparing groups of objects. She will also focus on giving instructions and ensuring they are understood.

Alena, 1st and 2nd Grade Teacher

The diagnostic assessment went absolutely smoothly, and the kids were thrilled to use the tablet and try out new tasks. Most of the students struggle with sequences, so we'll need to work on that. The poorer results from some of the kids didn't surprise me, as I had already noticed certain shortcomings during lessons. Now, I know we can practice these in the app. I like that specific tasks were selected for the kids to focus on. That's why I'll incorporate more sequencing tasks into the lessons and plan to use the tablets with Levebee again. But first, we'll do exercises together on the interactive whiteboard.

Petra, 1st grade teacher

I was really surprised by the results for some of the kids. In class, they seemed to navigate these areas well, but when working independently in the app, they struggled. I was taken aback that some children still have trouble with concepts like "right before," "right after," "between," and so on, even though we focus on these in class. It’s clear that I’ll need to differentiate the lessons more and spend some free moments with certain kids to focus on the areas they need to practice.

Lena, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the work, although some had trouble staying focused on tasks for longer periods. Thanks to the results, I know what to focus on more—spatial perception. I'll definitely include more activities in the lessons that address the areas where the kids had difficulties.

Martina, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment is definitely beneficial as it provides us with details about the mathematical skills, concepts, and abilities of individual students. We know where the problem lies and what to focus on during lessons, practice, and homework preparation. I would love to continue using Levebee in teaching, tutoring, or home preparation. I will focus on the problematic areas and dedicate more time to them in lessons.

Marcella, 1st grade teacher

The students enjoyed the diagnostic assessment. Thanks to the diagnostic assessment, I have amazing materials for the tripartite meetings at school, even with the parents. I can discuss with them what the students struggle with and what they excel in. Thank you so much for the diagnostic assessment. It's an amazing and beneficial tool for schools. I will definitely tailor the lessons to the children's needs and focus more on what they find challenging.

Denise, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the program. I discovered what to focus on and what I need to work on. Many of the children are even trying out the program at home. I'm trying to incorporate activities into math lessons that help improve the challenging areas.

Dana, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks and worked with enthusiasm. The results guided me towards the areas that need more practice. Therefore, I will focus on tasks that will help the children practice and expand on what they found challenging.

Mira, 1st grade teacher

I was surprised to find that a large percentage of students haven't mastered pre-mathematical skills. They can recognize numbers 1-10, but determining order was quite challenging for them, and figuring out how much more/less was one of the toughest tasks overall. Thanks to the diagnostic assessment, I now know that we'll need to spend more time on these skills than I initially anticipated. I'll be dedicating much more time to pre-mathematical skills and will integrate math with other subjects to help us catch up.

Ms. Jane, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the tasks and were able to handle them almost independently. Many students had issues with sorting, organizing, and navigating the number sequence—like steps, comparing quantities by how much more/less from 0 to 5. I incorporate specific exercises where students struggled into our lessons.

Ilona, 1st grade teacher

For the children, it was a very fun activity. We will continue to practice the problematic types of tasks (logical sequence, number sequence up to 5, etc.).

Sonia, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed working with the tablet. They found the tasks engaging. Some children needed the instructions explained to them. More kids struggled with understanding sequences, and comparing quantities was more challenging—like having two more or two less in a picture, etc. By the end of the diagnostic assessment, they didn't know the meaning of some words. They did an excellent job with concepts up to 5 and were successful with numbers up to 10. Thanks to the summary of results, we know what we need to practice more. We'll use exercises from Levebee to develop their skills further.

Ivana, 1st grade teacher

The results for each child help us with individual practice. We can focus more on the tasks where a particular concept needs further explanation, practice, etc.

Mira, 1st grade teacher

We liked the diagnostic assessment. The results were surprising (worse than expected). It's important to consider the insufficient mathematical concepts in the teaching process.

Mira, 1st grade teacher

I appreciate the timely diagnostic assessment and the opportunity for early intervention, so I will include the types of tasks that were challenging.

Mary, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the tasks. The biggest challenge was with the concepts of "more than" and "less than." Some of them still don't recognize numbers, but we expected that given their age. The children themselves asked to complete the tasks. We'll focus more on practicing the areas that were difficult for them.

Mgr. Petra, Director of Preschool

Great assignments and formative assessments, very useful. I appreciate the ability to pick up right where we left off after a break. They prepare personalized tasks for the kids based on the results of the diagnostic assessment.

Julie, 1st grade teacher

I really enjoyed the diagnostic assessment using the Levebee app. The app is intuitive and easy to navigate, which allowed the kids to focus on the tasks rather than the technical aspects. What I found interesting was that the results provided a detailed overview of each student's math skills. This enabled the class teacher and me to identify each child's strengths and weaknesses. For instance, some students showed difficulties in spatial orientation or logical reasoning, while others excelled in numerical operations. The results helped me better tailor the teaching to meet each individual's needs. Based on these diagnostic results, we plan to adapt our teaching approach. For students with weaker skills in spatial orientation and logical thinking, we will focus on more practical and playful activities to help them develop these skills. For those who perform well in numerical operations, I will introduce more complex tasks to give them the opportunity to further develop. We also plan to implement a more individualized approach so that each student has the chance to progress at their own pace and enhance their abilities.

Lucy, director

I really liked the diagnostic assessment. The controls were very intuitive for the kids. They really enjoyed it. Some of the students' results surprised me. That's why I'll pass them on to the homeroom teachers and leave it to their discretion.

Martin, ICT technician

We mapped out the skills of each student, their work with tablets, and with the app itself, and we will definitely use the available licenses for further practice.

Jessica, 1st grade teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks and were thrilled to work on the tablets. Almost everyone managed the diagnostic assessment independently and without any difficulties. Now I know that the biggest challenge is giving multiple tasks/instructions at once, and to some extent, incorporating logical sequences. I plan to include more of the recommended exercises in my lessons and practice more online using tablets or the interactive whiteboard because I saw the children's enthusiasm.

Mary, 1st grade teacher

This was my first time working with first graders in math like this, so I don't have a comparison. I definitely rely on your expertise and experience to identify gaps. The guidance for further work, including the selection of exercises, seems KEY to me. I will pass the results on to the teachers and trust that the benefits of the diagnostic assessment will be as interesting for them as it was for me :-), as well as the specific exercises suggested for improvement. In any case, I see the value in translating the results into recommendations for working with preschoolers!

Dagmar, school psychologist

The students were thrilled with the way it was presented on the tablet. At first, they needed some help understanding the labels like listen, choose an emoticon, and continue with the green button. The students often face challenges with navigating the grid, and terms like more than/less than. Language skills, understanding sequences, or comparing groups of objects can also be tricky. I plan to adapt the activities in class based on the suggestions from the diagnostic assessment.

Jane, 1st grade teacher

The class results really surprised me. The biggest challenge for the kids was ordering tasks like first, last, all before, etc. It's important to focus on weak areas not only in math but also in other subjects.

Adela, 1st grade teacher

The children really enjoyed working with Levebee. I didn't notice any task that caused problems for the majority of the students. I observed that they often replayed the audio instructions for the tasks. It's important for the whole class to focus on auditory perception and understanding the given tasks. I noticed that some students have a bit of trouble with spatial orientation, like identifying which picture comes before the last one.

Petra, 1st grade teacher

I was surprised by the results of some of the children; it was clear that they were better at the math section than at understanding concepts. As a special education teacher, I will try to dedicate some time to certain children during special education care classes. As the deputy head of the school, together with my colleagues from the first grades, we will focus on the specific skills of the children - strengthening and developing them.

Lydia, Special Education Teacher

The kids really enjoyed working on the tablet, and we'll do the diagnostic assessment again in November to compare the results. Two students were above average, while the rest of the class performed similarly. So, we'll be able to work individually with these two students and further develop their math skills. These two stood out, so they'll have more challenging tasks to help them grow, and they'll receive additional work.

Veronica, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the work because they are quite familiar with digital devices, and working on a tablet is a reward for them. We will practice the exercise where the students made the most mistakes.

Margaret, 1st grade teacher

It was interesting to see how the students think during the various activities. Thanks to the diagnostic assessment, I learned more about their preschool mathematical concepts. It especially confirmed what I had already observed about the students myself.

Jacob, 1st grade teacher and special educator

The kids really enjoyed the tasks, and some even started practicing at home. I now know which areas to focus on more. Many students had issues with concepts like "more than/less than," comparing the number of objects, and having a mental image of the number line from 1 to 10 without visual support. I love the summary of the whole class. At school, I would like to use tablets at least once a week, and I've also informed the parents and motivated the kids to practice at home.

Miranda, 1st grade teacher and special education teacher

The children worked intuitively and independently. The results were comparable to the preschool exit diagnostic assessment and are an important parameter for individualized collaboration with the child during the adaptation period in primary school. Given the way we work at our school—with respect for the individual needs of students—we will continue "as usual."

Eva, school principal

I discovered what we need to focus on. Many students had trouble with sorting and spatial orientation, and they struggled to identify all the images before or after. They couldn't match the name of a concept to an image (lack of understanding). That's why it's important to create tools for spatial orientation, like a 3x3 box with images, and practice concepts like above, below, behind, etc. We can also use a strip of Velcro with dots to practice adding and subtracting. We should dedicate part of the lesson to math and focus on the areas that the children found challenging in the diagnostic assessment.

Barbara, Special and Social Educator

The kids really enjoyed the diagnostic assessment. I love how well-designed it is and how it sets an individual level for each student based on the tasks they've mastered. The output of the diagnostic assessment is absolutely perfect. After completing the assessment for the whole class, we'll be incorporating lessons on the identified problem areas into our teaching, in collaboration with the teaching assistant. Of course, we'll be using exercises from Levebee for the kids.

Jana, Special Education Teacher

The children completed the tasks with joy. It was beneficial for me to observe them making decisions and to discover their level of math skills. They often had trouble when it came to completing the sequence of pictures (algorithms). I will focus on practicing the most common issues in a playful way.

Zdenka, 1st grade teacher

We liked the diagnostic assessment. The interface was intuitive, and the length of the assessment was just right. From my perspective, the kids enjoyed the final tasks on vocabulary. On the other hand, they struggled with tasks like the "logical sequence" ("fill in the blank..."). We plan to share the information with the parents and continue working with them.

Helen, Special Education Teacher

The children were excited about the diagnostic assessment and worked under the supervision of 9th-grade students, who were tasked with providing technical support without giving any hints. I'm still reviewing the results of the diagnostic assessment, but I consider it a helpful tool for preparing lessons. It's important to focus more on practicing the areas where the children had the most difficulties.

Alena, 1st grade teacher

The children worked with enthusiasm, and even when they made mistakes, it didn't discourage them. Many of them tried to reach the correct answer, even when encouraged to move on. I was surprised by their limited vocabulary and issues with comprehension. We're already working on it, expanding vocabulary in every lesson, and all parents have been invited to supervise. Many are already using Levebee at home. In class, we only practice it on the interactive whiteboard.

Yvette, 1st grade teacher

The children worked independently and rated the diagnostic assessment positively. In the next lesson, we did a group reflection. Working on problematic areas was an important part of the process.

Katherine, 1st grade teacher

The students most often had trouble with concepts like immediately after, between, before, fifth, etc. It's important to practice more of the types of exercises that the students found challenging.

Jana, Special Education Teacher

The diagnostic assessment was very nicely and entertainingly crafted. Thanks to the results, we can now focus on the problem areas that were the most challenging for the students. Including practice activities in the lesson can be an effective way to specifically address these problem areas and help students better understand the material.

Natalie, 1st grade teacher

The students really appreciated the variety of tasks, the graphic design, and the appealing digital tools. Most of them didn't find the diagnostic assessment too challenging. The biggest issue I see is with the concepts needed for understanding sequences, as well as with numerical operations up to 10. It's good to be aware of this and consider providing more support in these problematic areas in the future. I've reviewed the results and noted the key points. By the end of November, I plan to use the Levebee website for better visualization, and then incorporate various educational tools for a clearer understanding. I'd like to divide the class into buzzing groups so that students with "difficulties" have the chance to grasp the material and concepts through the "more understandable" language of their peers.

Theresa, 1st grade teacher

The students really enjoyed working with the tablets; they felt important and completed the tasks with interest. I was surprised that they respected the fact that I couldn't help them and managed the diagnostic assessment on their own. Some have already told me that they're practicing with Levebee at home, and everyone agreed that they would like to work with it again. I want to log back into the app with the kids as soon as possible and gradually work on the tasks recommended to them after the assessment, to make sure the assignments weren't misunderstood. After that, I'll definitely include the necessary exercises at the start of math class, as a warm-up on the interactive board for everyone.

Sarah, 1st-grade teacher and a special education teacher

The kids enjoyed the tasks, although many of them overestimated their skills in self-assessment. Overall, we were surprised by the children's lack of preparedness. It's clear that there's a difference in how individual preschools work with their pre-schoolers, as we have children from multiple preschools. The summary of all the students' results will help us know where to focus our attention for further practice. We will include tailored exercises using worksheets, and additional practice on the interactive whiteboard and tablets. We also recommend that parents focus on practicing problematic areas at home.

Lena, 1st grade teacher

The kids really enjoyed the diagnostic assessment. I really like the detailed results combined with suggestions on how to continue working with the child. I will incorporate the types of tasks offered in the diagnostic summary into my teaching.

Lucy, 1st grade teacher

For the kids, it was fun, and they realized that a tablet isn't just for playing games. We'll definitely focus more on the areas where the students weren't as successful. We'll pay more attention to the areas where the children are struggling, such as number sequences, imagination, and sequencing.

Jane, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment gives me a better understanding of where specific students have their limits, and practicing with Levebee then allows them to progress and improve exactly where it's needed. The exercises were engaging and captivating. We practice with Levebee both at school and at home. I will focus individually on the children who I know are having trouble with the material being covered.

Vladimir, 1st grade teacher

All the kids enjoyed the diagnostic assessment. They didn't feel unsuccessful even with tasks that were challenging for them. Most of them had no issues with numbers and matching the number of elements. However, concepts like before, after, between, left, right, left in the middle, etc., were problematic. We need to focus on that. I'll be working with grids, and we're working with number sequences, and so on.

Dagmar, 1st grade teacher

I really appreciate the simplicity of logging in and the ability for kids to work on tasks independently on tablets, which they really enjoyed. I also value the clear summary of class results and the tips for interesting tasks. I'm dedicating more time to the preparation period, and I'll be differentiating tasks more to better meet the individual needs of the children and support their development.

Barbara, 1st grade teacher

The diagnostic assessment was perfect; it identified the problems that students might have and guided us to the areas we need to strengthen, starting from pre-mathematical concepts. We will practice the weaker areas and adjust the material covered to achieve a better understanding of the curriculum.

Bozena, teacher of 1st and 2nd grade

Thanks to the summary of the entire class's results, we know which areas need the most attention. Parents are pleased and appreciate that they can voluntarily work on the skills at home that their children need to practice. We will definitely incorporate Levebee into every math lesson. The kids love seeing me launch Levebee on the interactive board and eagerly debate who gets to complete the task first.

Kristyna, 1st grade teacher