Recalling position of objects (grid)

Tips on how to use this exercise at home and at school.

Recalling position of objects (grid)

Early math concepts

This exercise helps in developing spatial orientation, focusing on right-left orientation and engaging memory. The exercises are more challenging and work with the combination of right, left, top, and bottom by placing the picture in a 2x2 grid.

Why is this exercise important?
Visual discrimination is very important in the development of a child's perception. 

The child should be able to distinguish and become aware of details first, then horizontally and then vertically. Passive and then active awareness of spatial orientation, and right-left orientation. 

Who is this exercise suitable for?
Generally belongs to preschool or early school play. In addition to concepts expressing spatial relationships, it develops language skills, memory and concentration in parallel.

Methodological recommendations
Either read aloud the instructions to the child, play them from the app or let the child read them by themselves.

The exercise requires concentration and reinforcement of the concepts of top, bottom, right and left. The child has 10 seconds to remember the position of the pictures in the 2x2 grid. Then the pictures with the grid disappear and the child selects answers to the questions. Even if he makes a mistake, he has a chance to answer correctly in the end. However, an objective evaluation (number of stars) registers the error rate.

Tips for similar activities outside the app
Any games like, what disappeared? 
Place various objects, such as toys, on the table and give the child ten seconds to remember them. Then we blindfold the child or send him/her to another room and hide one (or more) of the objects away from the table. Now we show the child the objects again and ask what has disappeared.